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詐欺, さぎ
1. fraud, swindle, graft, cheating, trick, scam
2. saying you're going to do something but in the end not doing it, making promises without keeping them, flaking out
See more > common
詐欺, さぎし
swindler, fraudster, trickster, con man
See more > common
詐欺, さぎざい
Law term
信用詐欺, しんようさぎ
confidence game
寸借詐欺, すんしゃくさぎ
petty swindling, petty swindler
金融詐欺, きんゆうさぎ
financial fraud
証券詐欺, しょうけんさぎ
securities fraud
結婚詐欺, けっこんさぎ
marriage fraud, fake marriage
特殊詐欺, とくしゅさぎ
bank transfer scam, telephone banking fraud
詐欺アプリ, さぎアプリ
See アプリ
smartphone app malware, Trojan horse app
ネット詐欺, ネットさぎ
online fraud
アポ電詐欺, アポでんさぎ
telephone fraud where the caller pretends to be a relative of the victim
詐欺メール, さぎメール
phishing email, fraudulent email
ワン切り詐欺, ワンぎりさぎ
one-ring fraud (attempt to encourage a return call to a fraudster's number)
オレオレ詐欺, 俺俺詐欺, おれおれさぎ
phone scam involving calls from pretended relatives in distress
振り込め詐欺, ふりこめさぎ
remittance fraud, bank transfer scam
架空請求詐欺, かくうせいきゅうさぎ
fraud based on demanding payment for false claims or non-existent bills
タイトル詐欺, タイトルさぎ
clickbaiting, giving something a misleading title
詐欺グループ, さぎグループ
organized crime group specializing in fraud (esp. bank transfer scams)
カニカニ詐欺, カニカニさぎ
crab meat mail-order fraud
ワンクリック詐欺, ワンクリックさぎ
one-click fraud (online fraud and extortion technique used by spammers)
フィッシング詐欺, フィッシングさぎ
See フィッシング
ナイジェリア詐欺, ナイジェリアさぎ
Nigerian fraud, 419 fraud
取り込み詐欺, 取込み詐欺, 取込詐欺, とりこみさぎ
confidence trick