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田舎, いなか
1. rural area, countryside, the sticks
2. hometown
See more > common
田舎, でんしゃ, でんじゃ
See 田舎・いなか・1
country, country home
田舎, いなかまち
country town, rural town
田舎, いなかみち
country road
田舎, いなかもの, いなかもん
occ. derisive
person from the countryside, countryman, countryfolk, provincial person, bumpkin, hick, hillbilly, redneck
田舎, いなかふう
rustic, country-style
田舎, いなかむすめ
country girl
田舎, いなかざむらい, いなかさぶらい
(uncultured) country samurai
田舎, ど田舎, 度田舎, どいなか
See ド・1
remote countryside, boondocks, the sticks, middle of nowhere
田舎, いなかびと, いなかじん, いなかうど, でんしゃじん
country dweller
田舎, いなかま
See 京間・1
1. standard measurement for the distance between pillars in eastern Japan (approx. 182 cm)
See 京間・2
2. Kanto-size tatami mat (approx. 176 cm by 88 cm)
田舎育ち, いなかそだち
May take 'no'
country-bred, raised in the country
田舎芝居, いなかしばい
provincial theatrical performance
田舎回り, いなかまわり
Takes suru
(theatrical) provincial tour
田舎訛り, 田舎なまり, いなかなまり
provincial accent
田舎っぺ, いなかっぺ
country bumpkin, yokel, hick
田舎気質, いなかかたぎ
rusticity, provincialism
田舎大尽, いなかだいじん
provincial (country) millionaire
田舎びる, いなかびる
Ichidan verb, Intransitive
to become rustic, to become countrified
田舎臭い, 田舎くさい, いなかくさい
rustic, unsophisticated, provincial, hick, cornball
田舎めく, いなかめく
Godan verb, Intransitive, See 田舎びる
to appear rustic, to become countrified
田舎味噌, 田舎みそ, いなか味噌, いなかみそ
See 味噌・1
barley miso
田舎言葉, いなかことば
provincial dialect, rural dialect
田舎蕎麦, いなかそば
dark soba
田舎パン, いなかパン
Food term
pain de campagne, French sourdough
田舎紳士, いなかしんし
country gentleman (esp. one that's slightly unrefined), squire
田舎, かたいなか
back country, remote countryside
田舎暮らし, いなかぐらし, いなかくらし
country living, life in the country, country life
田舎っぽい, いなかっぽい
provincial, rural, parochial, small-town, unsophisticated
田舎っ兵衛, いなかっぺえ, いなかっぺい
See 田舎っぺ, Derogatory, Rare
country bumpkin, yokel, hick
田舎, いなかや
farm house, country cottage
京に田舎あり, きょうにいなかあり
Expression, Proverb
even in bustling cities there are places that have a rural quality to them, (even) Kyoto is rustic in places