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, 唄, 詩, うた
Only 歌, Only 唄, esp. 唄 for folk songs and shamisen songs
1. song, singing
See 短歌
2. classical Japanese poem (esp. tanka)
Only 詩
3. modern poetry
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Particle, pronounced わ in modern Japanese
1. indicates sentence topic
2. indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated)
3. adds emphasis
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みんな, 皆, 皆んな, みな
Pronoun, Adverb, Usually in kana
1. everyone, everybody, all
2. everything
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1. at (place, time), in, on, during
2. to (direction, state), toward, into
3. for (purpose)
4. because of (reason), with
5. by, from
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