In the word database of EDICT, the abbreviation "uk" means "usually kana", in other words, it is equivalent to "it is generally written using hiragana or katakana".
noun+ni soutou suru There is no English equivalent for this Japanese この日本語に相当する英語はない
there seem to be other variations too, perhaps these are more specific
等価{とうか}なもの [touka] might mean as in an equivalent value (価格 kakaku = unit price) ?
同等{どうとう}のもの 同等物{どうとう ぶつ}
sore[nihitoshii] is a more conversational way of saying equivalent
why is this not 相当している - eg the thing is -still- equivalent ?
The English version of #1237 should be corrected to read: There is no English equivalent for this Japanese. In #3618, 足 shold be corrected to read 手.
等価 is often a mathematic terminology or something of equivalent value. 同等 is often used to "something that can be substituted, e.g., 一等賞または同等品=The first prize or a substitute. 均等 is often used to indicate substantive equivalence in terms of purpose, use, characteristics, etc. 均等論=Theory of equivalents, often used in patent infringement cases.