でも can never appear in the middle of a sentence like けど or other words meaning 'but.'
You can say:
友達の家に行くつもりでした。でも、彼女は病気です。 I was planning on going to my friend's house. But, she's sick.
Nor have we お茶でもいかがですか。
but i often hear お茶でもいい? do you want some tea? (just (humble) tea is ok?)
Both are ok as Japanese. お茶でもいかがですか。is a polite way to ask tea or something. Also I heard this is used by a guy to start a converstaion with a girl. お茶でもいい? is a casual way to suggest. dc's understanding is ok.
N.B. The Japanese example was 'home made' not 'Google found' so I'm not sure how natural it is.
To make it more natural, 「品質_は_いい。でも、…。」Nobody cares it(が) when the sentence is used in conversation.
Ah, thanks. (は and が are tricky beasties).
We don't have でも in the sense of 日本人でも漢字は難しい?
お茶でもいかがですか。is a polite form of asking "would you have some green tea?". Here でも is used to indicate that " the are other things,equally well to be offered to listener, but the offeror just make a single choice (which is お茶) out of the other offerings, the listerner can make other choices if he/she didn't want green tea", If it is お茶でいいですか , it indicates that " there is only green-tea to be offered, and if the listerner doesn't want then the offeror doesn't have any other to offer"
Is this really JLPT 1? I would have thought it 4 or 3 at most.
How about だけど? It might be worth a "see also" entry.
how about in context of "sore demo daijoubu"
Why on this website, every time there should be an apostrophe, is there this intead : ' ? Can anyone explain me how to solve this problem ?
When typing English using a Japanese IME the ' is replaced by : because that's what is naturally on that key on a Japanese keyboard. I am constantly placing a colon where an apostrophe should be while typing in IME mode. I always have to go back and hit Shift+7 because that's where it is on the 106/109 key keyboards.