Just like how in English, we say, "me too!" Japanese uses the particle も
It rained today too. 今日も雨が降っていました。
も replaces は in the first example sentence. A previous [something] being mine is implied. (e.g. 'あれは私のです。ええと、これも私のです。' That (over there) is mine. Erm, and this is also mine. )
#4863 地元のワインもいくつかございます。 We have some kinds of local wine as well.
I think i need a ,japanes pronounciation along with the english translation and the meaning and pronounciation of new kanjis inthe sentences. thanx
I think you ment "I want" instead of "I need
I think what you need is a good kana workbook. you can find a link to it below.
its under $10 and if you complete it. your studies of the japanese language will go a lot faster.
as for the kanji {plural form of kanji is kanji} Welcome to everyones nightmare. the best one can do is memorize as much as possible and use a dictionary for the rest. Jim breens edict is one of the best, if not the greatest kanji dictionary available. its 100% free so take advantage of it. just cut and paste.