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The Japanese grammar content is from jgram.org licensed CC BY-SA 2.0.

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Edit  dc
am determined to
I will definitely become President
Edit  dc
See also
This very year or never, I'm going to finish my MA thesis, if you will.
Edit  #558 dc
I'm going to read it, if you will.
Edit  #561 Amatuka, dc
I win by all means.
Edit  #3751 dbx
I'm sure I can overcome any difficulty.
Edit  #3752 dbx
I will succeed at any cost.
Edit  #3753 dbx
Discussion and comments
...してみせる is a very difficult concept to convey. I am not sure that there is an English equivalent.
After thinking about it at length, I scrap verything I said and decided that the best Japanese equivlant is "if you will."
That's not exactly the concept behind みせる but I think it is what I would say if I am speaking in English.
the will read ex is more a usage example - note the [Vte] in boxes. i decided to skip a big coding exercise and use the existing structure to include basic grammar usage too.
This is an [auxillary verb] (or however you're going to categorize "verb-te aux-verb"
not to be confused with 見せかける, to pretend/feign or have outward appearance (usually used for things though)
what about simply "i'll show you! [...]"?
"i'll show you! [...]"? sounds like a really easy way to remember this. i wonder if its accurate translation of the mood...
in many movies and comics that i translate(d), みせる is usually said by annoyed youths, so the mood might as well be the same :)
This is a tricky one. I think that the translation into "I'll show you" is good - except that you wouldn't really say that in English.
It is a form used when you have something to prove, or the desire to show someone that you can/will do (whatever).
That said, in English there is no set phrase commonly uttered aloud to express that feeling.
(Other than "I'll show you/him/her/them!", but that is more often said to one's self, rather than to another.
- I will eat an apple

- I will eat an apple (*while thinking* ...and show you! You said I couldn't, so this will show you how wrong you are!)
There are plenty of good translations in English.

The phrases "Just you wait!" and "You'll see!" pop immediately to mind, in terms of phrases you can use when you've got something to prove.

The only difference? It's not in vogue in America to directly convey that you have something to prove -- has a bit of the air of a children's cartoon.

As a result, both of the phrases above, while a good translation, are mostly only used in a silly or archaic fashion in English.

For instance, when I make fun of my girlfriend, she always replies defiantly, "One day I'll show you, you big lout!"

You could translate that to "Itsuka Utte miseru!" (The "utsu" verb for exacting revenge, I forget the kanji)

It's archaic language used to convey a silly effect, not because the words are "old fashioned" but because the *feeling behind them* isn't one that English speakers like to directly express.
can it be thought of in contrast with ~てみる [...do and see]? if so would the translation of ~てもせる be [... do and show]?
how about this for a simpler explanation. the verb 見せる means to show. so してみせる could best be translated as I will see (because I will show you).


You will see, This year I will graduate.
How about "too" as in, I will too eat the apple!
"if you will" doesn't convey the right mood I think. It seems quite weak to me.

I like the "too" idea from db. I also think stressing "am" or "will" works as well.

Or maybe "damn well" or "sure as hell".