*A tricky piece of grammar. The meaning in Japanese is as follows: 〜ときは、いつも 〜ときも、ときも
*「Aにつけ、Bにつけ」 is a common construction. A and B are often pairs or two of a kind, such as strong/weak, good/evil, etc.
FORMATION: V(plain form) + につけ いA + につけ
Hmm... what's the difference between nitsuke and tabini?
There is no difference, they have the same meaning
tabini and nituke have a slight differense. In "nituke" after the pattern there come phrases expressing feelings/emotions or emotional patterns. So that the meaning of "nituke" - whenever someone happens to be in same situation, always has certain feelings and thus does something.
@dc The links on the "see also" section are the same. Maybe these are the links meant to be in there?