He hated to study. During the lessons, he was only yawning. However, on the occasion of graduation we said goodbye to the professors and the most sorrowful was him.
Be careful with the verb conjugation before 際. Only use Vinf・nonpast or Vinf・past, which indicate incompletion or completion, respectively. For example, 買う/買った + 際(に).
Also, Nに際して is more formal than N + の + 際. Nに際して must be used when speaking about a very, very special occasion.
One final note: 〜際に is a formal expression that is often used with Sino-Japanese words. In sentences in which neither a Sino-Japanese verb/noun nor a honorific-polite verb is used, 際に is unacceptable.
Generally 際に.
is this used mainly in writing or something? I can't say I see it too often..
skinny trash
This would be used mainly in writing or say 時/場合 in an official tone. この際 konosai is often used.
Has the meaning of ~時 or ~場合. 際は also used.
In some cases, 際に is read "ぎわ," such as in 彼は窓際に座っている. "He is sitting by the window." Here it means, "by".
際 also has the connotation of "at the juncture of ...."
How to decide when to use 〜際は or 〜際に ? Example : 家を建てる際は、不動産屋には大変世話になりました。 or 家を建てる際に、不動産屋には大変世話になりました。 It seems the first one is correct but I wonder why...
In ex#5775, ex#6121 and ex#6620, I don't understand "垂オ". Could be "申し" instead. Why do you write it this way?
I second the previous comment. Can someone fix "垂オ"? I'm not knowledgeable enough to know what kanji it should be. Thanks!
Ok, I edited those three examples. There seems to be a problem with the way the page interprets the character for "moosu" (humble form of "to speak"). The verbs were "mooshiageru" and "mooshikomu"