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Edit  dc
to do it in advance OR to leave it in the current state expecting a later change
I left the window open
Edit  dc
I prepared for the meeting in advance
Edit  #3302 dc
I wish I had taken my health check earlier
Edit  #3304 dc, Miki
I couldn't drink both bottles, so I left one for you.
Edit  #4321 dc
I've looked through your report and made some notes on it.
Edit  #4322 dc
I put in the drawer.
Edit  #4323 dc
Bob gave Tina almost all the stamps he had collected, and kept only a few for himself.
Edit  #4324 dc
Did you leave the window open?
Edit  #4325 dc
I've added my recommendations to improve the situation.
Edit  #4326 dc
I mentioned your name to him.
Edit  #4327 dc
I gave him some helpful advice.
Edit  #4328 dc
She left me standing there for two hours.
Edit  #4329 dc
No, I'd better listen and remember it for later !
Edit  #5467 cup
I’ll pay all for the meantime (...and I’m exepecting something back in the future )
Edit  #5468 cup
Discussion and comments
"oku" and "-te oku" always has something expected in the future.

This is a AuxVerb and is used in by the patterm てーStem + おく
1) To keep the action’s result.
2) To continue the action.
3) Admitting the situation is/will be a certain way and leaving it the way it is.
4) To do something in advance, and expecting a certain result or happening.
5) To doing something temporally to get by for the moment.
It seems like 'in advance' is just relative to the time you are speaking to someone. (Before I spoke to you I did X). In that case how is it different from just using "mae ni" or "sakihodo"? For example
前に会議の準備をしました ?

On the other hand, it seems like it can also mean "made sure to do" especially when reading example 4322 - 4325? Any help understanding this better would be appreciated.
おく has the primary meaning of "leave it where it is at" or "leave it at its present status." The use of おく as indicating "in advance" is very limited such as 耳に入れておく. Most of the examples shown here are "leave it where it is at" type, and only 3303, 4327 and 4328 would qualify as statements in "in advance" category.For other examples, it is incorrect to label them as in "to do something in advance" category.
the meaning should be changed then "to do something in advance" and "leave it as it is/leave it where it is at". but usually おく is paired with ままに to imply the latter meaning.
changed. is "oku:in advance" a separate grammar usage, or just when used with other auxiliary words, i wonder.
Q: there seems to be two meanings:
to do in advance
to put aside
I think that last example doesn't belong - it is referring to okiru - to get up...
The trick to reading this is to remember that て-Stem means "ClauseX and then ClauseY" so you read the sentances as i did/doing/will do ClauseX and I expect some unspecific effect(ClauseY) to happen/happened/be happening...
nefertitiさん Your right about the meaning of 2I made sure to do" or "I will make sure to do"

I use it a lot when I want to say, "You can count on it" or " You can bet I`ll get it done"

Bamboo4さん, I`m not sure why you think the use of "in advanced" meaning is very limited, I hear it used all the time. 買っておく、調べておく、聞いておく、etc... from my experiance, it seems to be a case of whether the context is past or future.

infinite_trialさん 何? ままに? そのままの ままにですか? I think that to use ままに one needs to have a discription before it.

I.E. そのままに
You are pointing to something or talking about something that both listener and speaker are familiar with.
   "so young" or "foolish"
I have also heard it used to mean selfish, but I`m not sure if its the same 漢字

Its possible to use this with full sentences, adjectives, etc.. I`m not 100% on the conj rules, but it seems to be used mostly with the past tense.
Tigert-san, I knew wagamama (selfish) 我が儘;我がままbut 若まま I didn't know ^^