see [kawaru-group] for explanation and similar items
Noun + の 先生のかわりに
i-Adj 高いかわいに
ku-Adj 早くかわりに
verb-masu + kawarini 遊ぶ代わりに
Is this correct:
彼は早くかわりに、遅かった Instead of being early, he was late.
In the Notes section, shouldn't it be: 高いかわいに→高いかわりに And: "verb-dictionary + kawarini"
Question: My grammar book says に かわり instead of かわりに for all its examples and explanations. ex. 首相 に かわり、 外相 が アメリカ を 訪問 した。 Can anyone clarify?
Just got my question answered :-) ni kawari is more "polite" or "official", and also shows a more passive sense of the "ni" particle. kawari + ni is more typical in spoken language. So, these two sentences are the same in meaning: 相 に かわり、 外相 が アメリカ を 訪問 した。 相 の かわり に、 外相 が アメリカ を 訪問 した。 But the first is more likely to occur in a news report.
can you even use い adjectives with this form of かわりに? I know it can be used for the other form , i.e some form of compensation or balance (E.g. 高い代わりに便利だった), but all the books i have read including the dictionary of int grammar, state it cant be used in a way such as 高い代わりに (instead of being expensive)
彼は早くかわりに、遅かった Instead of being early, he was late.
→This is wrong. There is no "(~ku)kawarini" usage. i-adj+かわりに e.g.彼は 行動が はやいかわりに ミスが多い。