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Noun (futsuumeishi)
See also: 絶滅危惧種
endangered species

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ON: ゼツ KUN: た.える, た.やす, た.つ
discontinue, sever, cut off, abstain, interrupt, suppress, be beyond, without match, peerless, unparalleled

Stroke: 12 Grade: 5 JLPT: N2 SKIP: 1-6-6 FC: 2791.1

ON: メツ KUN: ほろ.びる, ほろ.ぶ, ほろ.ぼす
destroy, ruin, overthrow, perish

Stroke: 13 JLPT: N1 SKIP: 1-3-10 FC: 3315.5

ON: KUN: あぶ.ない, あや.うい, あや.ぶむ
dangerous, fear, uneasy

Stroke: 6 Grade: 6 JLPT: N2 SKIP: 3-4-2 FC: 2721.1

ON: ケン KUN: けわ.しい
precipitous, inaccessible place, impregnable position, steep place, sharp eyes

Stroke: 11 Grade: 5 JLPT: N2 SKIP: 1-3-8 FC: 7823.3

ON: シュ KUN: たね, -ぐさ
species, kind, class, variety, seed

Stroke: 14 Grade: 4 JLPT: N2 SKIP: 1-5-9 FC: 2291.1