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Noun (futsuumeishi)
school for Japanese outside of Japan

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ON: ニチ, ジツ KUN: ひ, -び, -か
day, sun, Japan, counter for days

Stroke: 4 Grade: 1 JLPT: N4 SKIP: 3-3-1 FC: 6010.0

ON: ホン KUN: もと
book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things

Stroke: 5 Grade: 1 JLPT: N4 SKIP: 4-5-3 FC: 5023.3

ON: ジン, ニン KUN: ひと, -り, -と

Stroke: 2 Grade: 1 JLPT: N4 SKIP: 4-2-4 FC: 8000.0

ON: ガク KUN: まな.ぶ
study, learning, science

Stroke: 8 Grade: 1 JLPT: N4 SKIP: 2-5-3 FC: 3240.0

ON: コウ, キョウ
exam, school, printing, proof, correction

Stroke: 10 Grade: 1 JLPT: N4 SKIP: 1-4-6 FC: 4094.4