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Godan verb with 'bu' ending Intransitive verb See also: 荒む・1 to grow wild, to run to waste, to become degenerate Godan verb with 'bu' ending Intransitive verb to become rough (of art, craft, etc.), to lose refinement, to deteriorate (of skill) Godan verb with 'bu' ending Auxiliary verb Intransitive verb usu. after -masu stem to intensify (of wind, rain, etc.), to become more severe Meaning restricted to 遊ぶ Godan verb with 'bu' ending Intransitive verb Archaism to do as one pleases, to amuse oneself, to play around
Present, Future 荒ぶ, 荒びます [does], will [do] 荒ばない, 荒びません doesn't [do], will not [do] Past 荒んだ, 荒びました [did] 荒ばなかった, 荒びませんでした didn't [do] Te-form, Continuative 荒んで, 荒びまして 荒ばないで, 荒びませんで 荒ばなくて Progressive 荒んでいる, 荒んでいます [doing], to be [doing] 荒んでいない, 荒んでいません not [doing] Volitional 荒ぼう, 荒びましょう let's [do]!, I/we will [do], I/we intend to [do] 荒ぶまい, 荒びますまい I will not [do], I do not intend to [do] Imperative 荒べ, 荒びなさい [do] ! 荒ぶな, 荒びなさるな don't [do] ! Request 荒んでください please [do] 荒ばないでください please don't [do] Provisional 荒べば if X [does], if X [is ~] 荒ばなければ if X doesn't [do], if X [is not ~] Conditional 荒んだら, 荒びましたら if X were to [do], when X [does] 荒ばなかったら, 荒びませんでしたら if X weren't to [do], when X doesn't [do] Potential 荒べる, 荒べます be able to [do], can [do] 荒べない, 荒べません not be able to [do], can't [do] Passive, Respectful 荒ばれる, 荒ばれます is [done] (by ...), will be [done] (by ...) 荒ばれない, 荒ばれません isn't [done] (by ...), will not be [done] (by ...) Causative 荒ばせる, 荒ばせます makes/will make (someone) [do] 荒ばせない, 荒ばせません doesn't/won't make (someone) [do] Causative passive 荒ばせられる, 荒ばせられます is made/will be made to [do] (by someone) 荒ばせられない, 荒ばせられません isn't made/won't be made to [do] (by someone) ~たい form 荒びたい want to [do] 荒びたくない don't want to [do]