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Noun (futsuumeishi)
adversary party, opposing party

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ON: ソウ, ショウ KUN: あい-
inter-, mutual, together, each other, minister of state, councillor, aspect, phase, physiognomy

Stroke: 9 Grade: 3 JLPT: N2 SKIP: 1-4-5 FC: 4690.0

ON: シュ, ズ KUN: て, て-, -て, た-

Stroke: 4 Grade: 1 JLPT: N4 SKIP: 4-4-3 FC: 2050.0

ON: ホウ KUN: かた, -かた, -がた
direction, person, alternative

Stroke: 4 Grade: 2 JLPT: N3 SKIP: 2-2-2 FC: 0022.2

ON: トウ KUN: あ.たる, あ.たり, あ.てる, あ.て, まさ.に, まさ.にべし
hit, right, appropriate, himself

Stroke: 6 Grade: 2 JLPT: N2 SKIP: 2-3-3 FC: 9017.7

ON: ジ, ズ KUN: こと, つか.う, つか.える
matter, thing, fact, business, reason, possibly

Stroke: 8 Grade: 3 JLPT: N3 SKIP: 4-8-3 FC: 5000.0

ON: シャ KUN: もの
someone, person

Stroke: 8 Grade: 3 JLPT: N3 SKIP: 3-4-4 FC: 4460.0