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しめ shime
シメ shime
Noun (futsuumeishi) tying up, binding, fastening, tightening Noun (futsuumeishi) total, sum Noun (futsuumeishi) conclusion (e.g. of a gathering), end, finish, rounding off Noun (futsuumeishi) final meal after a drinking party Noun (futsuumeishi) Food term dish made after eating a hot pot by adding rice or noodles to the leftover broth Noun (futsuumeishi) See also: 締め切り・1 Abbreviation deadline, closing, cut-off Noun (futsuumeishi) Martial arts term choking technique (in judo), stranglehold Noun (futsuumeishi) written as 〆 over the sealable flap of an envelope closure mark Counter counter for bundles (of wood, cotton, etc.) Counter See also: 半紙 counter for reams of 2000 sheets of Japanese writing paper