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Noun (futsuumeishi)
public order and morals, social standards, public policy

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ON: コウ, ク KUN: おおやけ
public, prince, official, governmental

Stroke: 4 Grade: 2 JLPT: N2 SKIP: 2-2-2 FC: 8073.3

ON: ジョ KUN: つい.で, ついで
preface, beginning, order, precedence, occasion, chance, incidentally

Stroke: 7 Grade: 5 JLPT: N1 SKIP: 3-3-4 FC: 0022.2

ON: リョウ KUN: よ.い, -よ.い, い.い, -い.い
good, pleasing, skilled

Stroke: 7 Grade: 4 JLPT: N2 SKIP: 4-7-4 FC: 3073.3

ON: ゾク
vulgar, customs, manners, worldliness, mundane things

Stroke: 9 JLPT: N1 SKIP: 1-2-7 FC: 2826.6

Parts: 此れ丈 (これだけ) 禁煙 (きんえん) 禁煙 (きんえん) 言う (いわれる) 以上 (いじょう) 喫煙 (きつえん) と言うのは (というのは) 公序良俗 (こうじょりょうぞく) 反する (はんする) 行為 (こうい) だろう (だろ)
There are so many anti-smoking campaigns these days; maybe smoking really is a threat to the public order.
When you are constantly told no smoking, no smoking like that, you start thinking, maybe smoking really is a threat to public morals or something.