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あたたかい atatakai
あったかい attakai
I-adjective (keiyoushi) 暖かい usu. refers to air temperature warm, mild, (pleasantly) hot Meaning restricted to 温かい I-adjective (keiyoushi) considerate, kind, genial Meaning restricted to 暖かい I-adjective (keiyoushi) warm (of a colour), mellow Meaning restricted to 暖かい I-adjective (keiyoushi) having enough money
Present, Future 暖かい is [x] 暖かくない is not [x] Past 暖かかった was [x] 暖かくなかった was not [x] Te-form, Continuative 暖かくて is [x] and... 暖かくなくて is not [x] and... Provisional 暖かければ if it is [x] 暖かくなければ if it is not [x] Conditional 暖かかったら when/if it is [x] 暖かくなかったら when/if it is not [x] Adverbial 暖かく [x]-ly Noun form 暖かさ [x]-ness