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餘り Out-dated kanji
あまり amari
あんまり anmari
Meaning restricted to あまり Noun (futsuumeishi) May take the particle 'no' Usually written using kana alone remainder, remnant, rest, balance, surplus, remains (of a meal), leftovers Adverb (fukushi) Usually written using kana alone with neg. sentence (not) very, (not) much Adverb (fukushi) See also: あまりに See also: の余り・のあまり Usually written using kana alone esp. as あまりに(も) too much, excessively, overly NA-adjective/adjectival noun (keiyodoshi) May take the particle 'no' extreme, great, severe, tremendous, terrible NA-adjective/adjectival noun (keiyodoshi) Colloquialism sometimes as あまり… not very good, so-so, mediocre Meaning restricted to あまり Noun, used as a suffix more than, over