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それる soreru
Ichidan verb Intransitive verb Usually written using kana alone to turn away, to bear off, to veer away, to swerve from, to miss (e.g. a target) Ichidan verb Intransitive verb Usually written using kana alone to deviate (e.g. of a conversation), to digress, to go astray, to wander
Present, Future それる, それます [does], will [do] それない, それません doesn't [do], will not [do] Past それた, それました [did] それなかった, それませんでした didn't [do] Te-form, Continuative それて, それまして それないで, それませんで それなくて Progressive それている, それています [doing], to be [doing] それていない, それていません not [doing] Volitional それよう, それましょう let's [do]!, I/we will [do], I/we intend to [do] それまい, それますまい I will not [do], I do not intend to [do] Imperative それろ, それよ, それなさい [do] ! それるな, それなさるな don't [do] ! Request それてください please [do] それないでください please don't [do] Provisional それれば if X [does], if X [is ~] それなければ if X doesn't [do], if X [is not ~] Conditional それたら, それましたら if X were to [do], when X [does] それなかったら, それませんでしたら if X weren't to [do], when X doesn't [do] Potential それられる, それられます be able to [do], can [do] それられない, それられません not be able to [do], can't [do] Passive, Respectful それられる, それられます is [done] (by ...), will be [done] (by ...) それられない, それられません isn't [done] (by ...), will not be [done] (by ...) Causative それさせる, それさせます makes/will make (someone) [do] それさせない, それさせません doesn't/won't make (someone) [do] Causative passive それさせられる, それさせられます is made/will be made to [do] (by someone) それさせられない, それさせられません isn't made/won't be made to [do] (by someone) ~たい form それたい want to [do] それたくない don't want to [do]