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もの mono
もん mon
モノ mono
Noun (futsuumeishi) thing, object, article, stuff, substance Noun (futsuumeishi) as 〜のもの, 〜のもん one's things, possessions, property, belongings, something, anything, everything, nothing Noun (futsuumeishi) quality Noun (futsuumeishi) reason, the way of things Noun (futsuumeishi) Usually written using kana alone formal noun often used as 〜ものだ used to emphasize emotion, judgment, etc., used to indicate a common occurrence in the past (after a verb in past tense), used to indicate a general tendency, used to indicate something that should happen Noun, used as a suffix Usually written using kana alone item classified as ..., item related to ..., work in the genre of ... Noun, used as a suffix cause of ..., cause for ... Meaning restricted to もの Prefix See also: 物寂しい・ものさびしい somehow, somewhat, for some reason Meaning restricted to もの Prefix See also: 物珍しい・ものめずらしい really, truly