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rarely-used kanji form

Ichidan verb
Transitive verb
Usually written using kana alone
to attach, to join, to connect, to add, to append, to affix, to stick, to glue, to fasten, to sew on, to apply (ointment), to put against

Ichidan verb
Transitive verb
Usually written using kana alone
to furnish (a house with)

Ichidan verb
Transitive verb
Usually written using kana alone
to wear, to put on

Ichidan verb
Transitive verb
Usually written using kana alone
to keep a diary, to make an entry

Ichidan verb
Transitive verb
Usually written using kana alone
to appraise, to set (a price)

Ichidan verb
Transitive verb
Usually written using kana alone
to allot, to budget, to assign

Ichidan verb
Transitive verb
Usually written using kana alone
to bring alongside

Ichidan verb
Transitive verb
Usually written using kana alone
to place (under guard or doctor)

Ichidan verb
Transitive verb
Usually written using kana alone
to follow (someone), to shadow, to tail, to stalk

Ichidan verb
Transitive verb
Usually written using kana alone
to load, to give (courage to)

Ichidan verb
Transitive verb
Usually written using kana alone
to keep (an eye on)

Ichidan verb
Transitive verb
Usually written using kana alone
to establish (relations or understanding)

Ichidan verb
Transitive verb
See also: 点ける
Usually written using kana alone
to turn on (a light)

Ichidan verb
Transitive verb
Usually written using kana alone
to produce flowers (of a plant), to produce fruit

Ichidan verb
See also: 怒鳴りつける
Usually written using kana alone
after -masu stem of verb
to do intensely, to do fiercely, to do strongly

Ichidan verb
Usually written using kana alone
after -masu stem of verb
to be used to (doing), to be accustomed to

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Conjugated forms
Present, Future つける, つけます
[does], will [do]
つけない, つけません
doesn't [do], will not [do]
Past つけた, つけました
つけなかった, つけませんでした
didn't [do]
Te-form, Continuative つけて, つけまして つけないで, つけませんで つけなくて
ON: KUN: つ.ける, -つ.ける, -づ.ける, つ.け, つ.け-, -つ.け, -づ.け, -づけ, つ.く, -づ.く, つ.き, -つ.き, -つき, -づ.き, -づき
adhere, attach, refer to, append

Stroke: 5 Grade: 4 JLPT: N2 SKIP: 1-2-3 FC: 2420.0

ON: チャク, ジャク KUN: き.る, き.せる, つ.く, つ.ける
don, arrive, wear, counter for suits of clothing

Stroke: 12 Grade: 3 JLPT: N3 SKIP: 3-7-5 FC: 8060.0

ON: KUN: つ.ける, つ.く
affixed, attach, refer to, append

Stroke: 8 JLPT: N1 SKIP: 1-3-5 FC: 7420.0

Parts: 警官 (けいかん) 其の (その) (おとこ) 付ける (つけた)
The policeman followed him.

Parts: テレビ 付ける (つけた) 途端に (とたんに) ヒューズ (フューズ) 飛ぶ (とんだ)
No sooner had Tom turned on the TV than the fuse blew.

Parts: (わたし) (き) 少し (すこし) (はな) 付ける (つけた) (み) 生る (ならなかった)
My tree had a few blossoms but no fruit.

Parts: (よろい) 付ける (つけている) (ひと) 転ぶ (ころぶ) 大きな (おおきな) (おと)
He who wears armor falls with a big crash!

Parts: お前 (おまえ) 上着 (うわぎ) (わたし) 勘定 (かんじょう) 付ける (つけて) 置く (おきなさい)
Put your coat on my account.

Parts: 彼の (あの) (みせ) 商品 (しょうひん) 値下げ (ねさげ) 値段 (ねだん) 付ける (つけてある)
They mark down goods at that shop.

Parts: 彼女 (かのじょ) (むかし) 日記を付ける (にっきをつける) (いま) 付ける (つけていない)
She used to keep a diary, but she no longer does.
She used to keep a diary, but doesn't anymore.

Parts: 自宅 (じたく) 改築 (かいちく) (さい) 此の (この) 部屋 (へや) (だけ) 防音設備 (ぼうおんせつび) 内鍵 (うちかぎ) 付ける (つける)
When my home had an extension built I only had this room fitted with soundproofing and an internal lock.