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Godan verb with 'su' ending
Transitive verb
to stick through, to force through

Godan verb with 'su' ending
Transitive verb
to spread throughout, to thoroughly diffuse

Godan verb with 'su' ending
Transitive verb
to make a path between two points

Godan verb with 'su' ending
Transitive verb
See also: 筋を通す・すじをとおす
to proceed in a logical manner

Godan verb with 'su' ending
Transitive verb
to let pass, to allow through

Godan verb with 'su' ending
Transitive verb
to lead (someone) into (a house, room, etc.), to show in

Godan verb with 'su' ending
Transitive verb
to go through (a middleman)

Godan verb with 'su' ending
Transitive verb
to (look, listen) through (a window, wall, etc.)

Godan verb with 'su' ending
Transitive verb
to pass (a law, applicant, etc.)

Godan verb with 'su' ending
Transitive verb
to force to accept, to force agreement

Godan verb with 'su' ending
Transitive verb
to continue (in a state), to persist in

Godan verb with 'su' ending
Transitive verb
to do to the entirety of, to cover all of, to span the whole ...

Godan verb with 'su' ending
Transitive verb
in the form とおして…する
to do from beginning to end without a break

Godan verb with 'su' ending
Transitive verb
to convey (one's ideas, etc.) to the other party

Godan verb with 'su' ending
Transitive verb
after the -te form of a verb
to do to the end, to carry through, to complete

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Conjugated forms
Present, Future 通す, 通します
[does], will [do]
通さない, 通しません
doesn't [do], will not [do]
Past 通した, 通しました
通さなかった, 通しませんでした
didn't [do]
Te-form, Continuative 通して, 通しまして 通さないで, 通しませんで 通さなくて
ON: ツウ, ツ KUN: とお.る, とお.り, -とお.り, -どお.り, とお.す, とお.し, -どお.し, かよ.う
traffic, pass through, avenue, commute, counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.

Stroke: 10 Grade: 2 JLPT: N3 SKIP: 3-3-7 FC: 3730.0

ON: テツ
penetrate, clear, pierce, strike home, sit up (all night)

Stroke: 15 JLPT: N1 SKIP: 1-3-12 FC: 2824.4

ON: トウ KUN: す.く, す.かす, す.ける, とう.る, とう.す
transparent, permeate, filter, penetrate

Stroke: 10 JLPT: N1 SKIP: 3-3-7 FC: 3230.0

Parts: 参議院 (さんぎいん) どんな 改正案 (かいせいあん) 通す (とおす) 構わない (かまわない) 様です (ようです)
The Upper House seems bent on defeating any reform bills.

Parts: 其の (その) (こ) 如何しても (どうしても) 自分 (じぶん) 我が儘 (わがまま) 通す (とおす) とする
The boy will have his own way.