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せめる semeru
Ichidan verb Transitive verb to condemn, to blame, to criticize, to criticise, to reproach, to accuse Ichidan verb Transitive verb to urge, to press, to pester Ichidan verb Transitive verb to torture, to torment, to persecute Ichidan verb Transitive verb to break in (a horse)
Present, Future 責める, 責めます [does], will [do] 責めない, 責めません doesn't [do], will not [do] Past 責めた, 責めました [did] 責めなかった, 責めませんでした didn't [do] Te-form, Continuative 責めて, 責めまして 責めないで, 責めませんで 責めなくて Progressive 責めている, 責めています [doing], to be [doing] 責めていない, 責めていません not [doing] Volitional 責めよう, 責めましょう let's [do]!, I/we will [do], I/we intend to [do] 責めまい, 責めますまい I will not [do], I do not intend to [do] Imperative 責めろ, 責めよ, 責めなさい [do] ! 責めるな, 責めなさるな don't [do] ! Request 責めてください please [do] 責めないでください please don't [do] Provisional 責めれば if X [does], if X [is ~] 責めなければ if X doesn't [do], if X [is not ~] Conditional 責めたら, 責めましたら if X were to [do], when X [does] 責めなかったら, 責めませんでしたら if X weren't to [do], when X doesn't [do] Potential 責められる, 責められます be able to [do], can [do] 責められない, 責められません not be able to [do], can't [do] Passive, Respectful 責められる, 責められます is [done] (by ...), will be [done] (by ...) 責められない, 責められません isn't [done] (by ...), will not be [done] (by ...) Causative 責めさせる, 責めさせます makes/will make (someone) [do] 責めさせない, 責めさせません doesn't/won't make (someone) [do] Causative passive 責めさせられる, 責めさせられます is made/will be made to [do] (by someone) 責めさせられない, 責めさせられません isn't made/won't be made to [do] (by someone) ~たい form 責めたい want to [do] 責めたくない don't want to [do]