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Godan verb with 'ku' ending
Intransitive verb
to blow (of the wind)

Godan verb with 'ku' ending
Transitive verb
to blow (one's breath), to breathe out, to blow on (hot tea, candles, etc.), to puff

Godan verb with 'ku' ending
Transitive verb
to play (a wind instrument), to blow (a whistle, trumpet, etc.), to whistle (a tune)

Godan verb with 'ku' ending
Transitive verb
Intransitive verb
See also: 噴く
to emit (smoke, fire, etc.), to spout, to spew, to puff out

Godan verb with 'ku' ending
Transitive verb
Intransitive verb
to sprout, to put forth (buds)

Godan verb with 'ku' ending
Transitive verb
Intransitive verb
to appear (on the surface), to form, to be coated with (powder, rust, etc.)

Godan verb with 'ku' ending
Intransitive verb
See also: 吹き出す・3
to burst out laughing, to burst into laughter

Godan verb with 'ku' ending
Transitive verb
to brag, to talk big

Godan verb with 'ku' ending
Transitive verb
to smelt, to mint

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Conjugated forms
Present, Future 吹く, 吹きます
[does], will [do]
吹かない, 吹きません
doesn't [do], will not [do]
Past 吹いた, 吹きました
吹かなかった, 吹きませんでした
didn't [do]
Te-form, Continuative 吹いて, 吹きまして 吹かないで, 吹きませんで 吹かなくて
ON: スイ KUN: ふ.く
blow, breathe, puff, emit, smoke

Stroke: 7 JLPT: N2 SKIP: 1-3-4 FC: 6708.8

Parts: (き) (め) 吹く (ふいている)
The trees are shooting out buds.

Parts: 彼の (あの) (ひ) 強い (つよい) (かぜ) 吹く (ふく)
There was a strong wind that day.

Parts: トランペット 吹く (ふく) 好き (すき)
Ted likes playing the trumpet.

Parts: ローズ シャボン玉 (シャボンだま) 吹く (ふく)
Rose was blowing bubbles.