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Godan verb with 'mu' ending
Intransitive verb
to advance, to go forward

Godan verb with 'mu' ending
Intransitive verb
to precede, to go ahead (of)

Godan verb with 'mu' ending
Intransitive verb
to make progress, to improve

Godan verb with 'mu' ending
Intransitive verb
to deepen, to heighten

Godan verb with 'mu' ending
Intransitive verb
to be fast (of a clock), to be ahead

Godan verb with 'mu' ending
Intransitive verb
See also: 進んで
to do of one's own free will

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Conjugated forms
Present, Future 進む, 進みます
[does], will [do]
進まない, 進みません
doesn't [do], will not [do]
Past 進んだ, 進みました
進まなかった, 進みませんでした
didn't [do]
Te-form, Continuative 進んで, 進みまして 進まないで, 進みませんで 進まなくて
ON: シン KUN: すす.む, すす.める
advance, proceed, progress, promote

Stroke: 11 Grade: 3 JLPT: N3 SKIP: 3-3-8 FC: 3030.0

Parts: 彼の (あの) 時計 (とけい) (ふん) 進む (すすむ)
That clock is one minute fast.