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Godan verb with 'ku' ending
to have an itch to, to have a craving for, to have an urge to, to have a desire for, to be eager to, to want to

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Conjugated forms
Present, Future 食指が動く, 食指が動きます
[does], will [do]
食指が動かない, 食指が動きません
doesn't [do], will not [do]
Past 食指が動いた, 食指が動きました
食指が動かなかった, 食指が動きませんでした
didn't [do]
Te-form, Continuative 食指が動いて, 食指が動きまして 食指が動かないで, 食指が動きませんで 食指が動かなくて
ON: ショク, ジキ KUN: く.う, く.らう, た.べる, は.む
eat, food

Stroke: 9 Grade: 2 JLPT: N4 SKIP: 2-2-7 FC: 8073.3

ON: KUN: ゆび, さ.す, -さ.し
finger, point to, indicate, put into, play (chess), measure (ruler)

Stroke: 9 Grade: 3 JLPT: N2 SKIP: 1-3-6 FC: 5206.6

ON: ドウ KUN: うご.く, うご.かす
move, motion, change, confusion, shift, shake

Stroke: 11 Grade: 3 JLPT: N3 SKIP: 1-9-2 FC: 2412.2