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Ichidan verb
Intransitive verb
to come off (of a button, handle, lid, etc.)

Ichidan verb
Intransitive verb
to go away (of a fever, pain, swelling, etc.), to disappear, to come out (of a stain), to come off (e.g. of dust), to be removed (e.g. of wrinkles)

Ichidan verb
Intransitive verb
to be harvested, to be picked, to be produced, to be caught (of fish), to be obtained, to be extracted

Ichidan verb
Intransitive verb
to be interpreted (as), to be taken (as), to be understood (as), to be read (as)

Ichidan verb
Intransitive verb
to be attained (of balance, harmony, etc.), to be achieved

Ichidan verb
Intransitive verb
Transitive verb
See also: 取る・1
potential form of 取る
to be able to get, to be able to obtain, to be able to secure, to be able to win, to be able to catch

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Conjugated forms
Present, Future 取れる, 取れます
[does], will [do]
取れない, 取れません
doesn't [do], will not [do]
Past 取れた, 取れました
取れなかった, 取れませんでした
didn't [do]
Te-form, Continuative 取れて, 取れまして 取れないで, 取れませんで 取れなくて
ON: シュ KUN: と.る, と.り, と.り-, とり, -ど.り
take, fetch, take up

Stroke: 8 Grade: 3 JLPT: N2 SKIP: 1-6-2 FC: 1714.4

Parts: 漸と (やっと) 免許 (めんきょ) 取れる (とれる)
I got a driver's license at last.
I finally got a driver's license.

Parts: 鋳物 (いもの) 金型 (かながた) から すっぽり (ずっぽり) 取れる (とれた)
The casting came cleanly out of its mold.

Parts: オリーブ (オリーヴ) (み) から (あぶら) 取れる (とれる)
Oil is extracted from olives.

Parts: 痺れ (しびれ) 取れる (とれる) (まで) 食事 (しょくじ) 下さい (ください)
Don't eat till the numbness wears off.

Parts: 一寸 (ちょっと) (て) 休める (やすめる) 気持ち (きもち) 和らげる (やわらげる) (かた) ストレス 緊張 (きんちょう) (かん) 取れる (とれる)
If you stop and relax, this will relieve the tension and stress in your shoulders.