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みせる miseru
Ichidan verb Transitive verb to show, to display Ichidan verb Transitive verb to make (something or someone) look ..., to present an appearance of ... Ichidan verb Transitive verb to make (something) worth watching, to be entertaining Ichidan verb Transitive verb to have (something) looked at (by a specialist), to have (an antique, etc.) appraised Ichidan verb Transitive verb also written as 診せる to have (an injury, person, etc.) looked at (by a doctor), to take (someone) to a doctor Auxiliary verb Ichidan verb after the -te form of a verb to make a show of (doing), to do in a conspicuous manner, to do in view of others Auxiliary verb Ichidan verb after the -te form of a verb to resolve to do, to do at any cost, to show others that one will ...
Present, Future 見せる, 見せます [does], will [do] 見せない, 見せません doesn't [do], will not [do] Past 見せた, 見せました [did] 見せなかった, 見せませんでした didn't [do] Te-form, Continuative 見せて, 見せまして 見せないで, 見せませんで 見せなくて Progressive 見せている, 見せています [doing], to be [doing] 見せていない, 見せていません not [doing] Volitional 見せよう, 見せましょう let's [do]!, I/we will [do], I/we intend to [do] 見せまい, 見せますまい I will not [do], I do not intend to [do] Imperative 見せろ, 見せよ, 見せなさい [do] ! 見せるな, 見せなさるな don't [do] ! Request 見せてください please [do] 見せないでください please don't [do] Provisional 見せれば if X [does], if X [is ~] 見せなければ if X doesn't [do], if X [is not ~] Conditional 見せたら, 見せましたら if X were to [do], when X [does] 見せなかったら, 見せませんでしたら if X weren't to [do], when X doesn't [do] Potential 見せられる, 見せられます be able to [do], can [do] 見せられない, 見せられません not be able to [do], can't [do] Passive, Respectful 見せられる, 見せられます is [done] (by ...), will be [done] (by ...) 見せられない, 見せられません isn't [done] (by ...), will not be [done] (by ...) Causative 見せさせる, 見せさせます makes/will make (someone) [do] 見せさせない, 見せさせません doesn't/won't make (someone) [do] Causative passive 見せさせられる, 見せさせられます is made/will be made to [do] (by someone) 見せさせられない, 見せさせられません isn't made/won't be made to [do] (by someone) ~たい form 見せたい want to [do] 見せたくない don't want to [do]