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游ぐ rarely-used kanji form
およぐ oyogu
Godan verb with 'gu' ending Intransitive verb to swim Godan verb with 'gu' ending Intransitive verb to struggle through (a crowd) Godan verb with 'gu' ending Intransitive verb to make one's way through the world, to get along (in life) Godan verb with 'gu' ending Intransitive verb to totter, to lose one's balance
Present, Future 泳ぐ, 泳ぎます [does], will [do] 泳がない, 泳ぎません doesn't [do], will not [do] Past 泳いだ, 泳ぎました [did] 泳がなかった, 泳ぎませんでした didn't [do] Te-form, Continuative 泳いで, 泳ぎまして 泳がないで, 泳ぎませんで 泳がなくて Progressive 泳いでいる, 泳いでいます [doing], to be [doing] 泳いでいない, 泳いでいません not [doing] Volitional 泳ごう, 泳ぎましょう let's [do]!, I/we will [do], I/we intend to [do] 泳ぐまい, 泳ぎますまい I will not [do], I do not intend to [do] Imperative 泳げ, 泳ぎなさい [do] ! 泳ぐな, 泳ぎなさるな don't [do] ! Request 泳いでください please [do] 泳がないでください please don't [do] Provisional 泳げば if X [does], if X [is ~] 泳がなければ if X doesn't [do], if X [is not ~] Conditional 泳いだら, 泳ぎましたら if X were to [do], when X [does] 泳がなかったら, 泳ぎませんでしたら if X weren't to [do], when X doesn't [do] Potential 泳げる, 泳げます be able to [do], can [do] 泳げない, 泳げません not be able to [do], can't [do] Passive, Respectful 泳がれる, 泳がれます is [done] (by ...), will be [done] (by ...) 泳がれない, 泳がれません isn't [done] (by ...), will not be [done] (by ...) Causative 泳がせる, 泳がせます makes/will make (someone) [do] 泳がせない, 泳がせません doesn't/won't make (someone) [do] Causative passive 泳がせられる, 泳がせられます is made/will be made to [do] (by someone) 泳がせられない, 泳がせられません isn't made/won't be made to [do] (by someone) ~たい form 泳ぎたい want to [do] 泳ぎたくない don't want to [do]