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Noun (futsuumeishi) Takes the aux. verb suru Transitive verb Intransitive verb Antonym: アップ・1 fall, decrease, drop, going down Noun (futsuumeishi) Takes the aux. verb suru Transitive verb Intransitive verb boxing knocking down, flooring, being knocked down, being floored Noun (futsuumeishi) Takes the aux. verb suru Intransitive verb being out of action (due to illness, exhaustion, etc.), being down (e.g. with a cold), being knocked out (from alcohol), being out of it, collapsing Noun (futsuumeishi) Takes the aux. verb suru Intransitive verb Computer terminology going down (of a computer system, server, etc.), crashing Noun (futsuumeishi) Baseball term (number of) outs Noun (futsuumeishi) Antonym: アップ・6 Sports term being down (in points, games, etc.), being behind, trailing Noun (futsuumeishi) Sports term down (in American football) Noun (futsuumeishi) down (feathers)