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矢っ張り Ateji (phonetic) reading rarely-used kanji form
やっぱり yappari
Adverb (fukushi) See also: やはり・1 Usually written using kana alone as expected, sure enough, just as one thought Adverb (fukushi) See also: やはり・2 Usually written using kana alone after all (is said and done), in the end, as one would expect, in any case Adverb (fukushi) See also: やはり・3 Usually written using kana alone too, also, as well, likewise, (not) either Adverb (fukushi) See also: やはり・4 Usually written using kana alone still, as before Adverb (fukushi) See also: やはり・5 Usually written using kana alone all the same, even so, nonetheless