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彼処 rarely-used kanji form
彼所 rarely-used kanji form
あそこ asoko
あすこ asuko
かしこ kashiko
アソコ asoko
あしこ ashiko Out-dated or obsolete kana usage
あこ ako Out-dated or obsolete kana usage
Pronoun See also: どこ・1 See also: ここ・1 See also: そこ・1 Usually written using kana alone place physically distant from both speaker and listener there, over there, that place, yonder, you-know-where Meaning restricted to あそこ Meaning restricted to あすこ Meaning restricted to アソコ Noun (futsuumeishi) Colloquialism Usually written using kana alone euphemistic genitals, private parts, nether regions Noun (futsuumeishi) See also: あれほど Usually written using kana alone something psychologically distant from both speaker and listener that far, that much, that point