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丁寧, 叮嚀, ていねい
1. polite, courteous, civil
2. careful, close, thorough, conscientious
See more > common
丁重, 鄭重, ていちょう
polite, courteous, hospitable
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慇懃, いんぎん
1. polite, courteous, civil
2. friendship, (sexual) intimacy
礼やか, いややか
NA-adjective, See うやうやしい
polite, respectful, reverent
ご丁寧, 御丁寧, ごていねい
NA-adjective, See 丁寧・1, Honorific or respectful
1. polite, courteous, civil
See 丁寧・2
2. careful, close, thorough, conscientious
used sarcastically
3. overly courteous, overly careful, overly thorough
懇到, こんとう
NA-adjective, Obsolete term
polite, courteous, considerate, attentive
恭しい, うやうやしい
polite, respectful, reverent
礼儀正しい, れいぎただしい
courteous, decorous, polite
折り目正しい, 折目正しい, おりめただしい
well-mannered, courteous, polite
しとやか, 淑やか
NA-adjective, Usually in kana
graceful, ladylike, modest, gentle, polite, quiet, well-mannered, refined (behavior)
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おしとやか, お淑やか
NA-adjective, See 淑やか, Usually in kana
graceful, ladylike, modest, gentle, polite, quiet, well-mannered, refined (behavior)
固有表現, こゆうひょうげん
Computer terminology
named entity, NE
この, 此の, 斯の, こん
Pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi), See その・1, See あの, See どの, Usually in kana, something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker
1. this
in ref. to a stretch of time or date
2. last (couple of years, etc.), these, past
emphatic, accusatory, insulting
3. you (as in "you liar")
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, 旧, 故, もと
May take 'no', Noun, used as a prefix
1. former, ex-, past, one-time
2. earlier times, the past, previous state
3. formerly, previously, originally, before
すぎ, 過ぎ
Noun, used as a suffix
1. past, after
Usually in kana
2. too (much), over- (e.g. eating)
See more > common
過去, かこ
Adverb, May take 'no'
1. the past, bygone days
2. one's past (that one would prefer remained secret)
3. past (tense), preterit, preterite
Buddhist term
4. previous life
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在りし, ありし
Pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi)
1. prior, past, old
2. before having died
曰く, いわく
1. pretext, history, past, story
2. according to ..., ... says
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往者, おうしゃ
1. person going (away)
See 来者・らいしゃ・3
2. past
素性, 素姓, 種姓, 素生, すじょう, そせい, しゅせい, すぞう, しゅしょう
1. birth, lineage, parentage, origin
2. identity, background, history, past
3. provenance
, あと
May take 'no', See 後ずさり
1. behind, rear
See その後
2. after, later
3. remainder, the rest
4. more (e.g. five more minutes), left
5. also, in addition
See more > common
キョ, コ, さ.る, -さ.る
gone, past, quit, leave, elapse, eliminate, divorce
take place, past, history
ノウ, ドウ, さき.に
before, preceding, earlier, former, past, previously