7日, 七日, なのか, なぬか
1. 7th day of the month
2. seven days
間, あいだ, あわい
1. space (between), gap, interval, distance, stretch
2. period of time (during, while), duration
3. between (two parties or things)
4. among (a group)
5. relations (between), relationship
狭間, 迫間, 間, はざま, はさま
1. interval, space, interstice, threshold
also 硲
2. valley, gorge, ravine
3. loophole (in a wall), crenel, eyelet
間, ま
1. time, pause
2. space
3. room
間, かん
1. interval, period of time
2. among, between, inter-
3. good opportunity, chance
4. estrangement, discord, alienation
See 間諜
5. spy, secret agent
間, けん
1. ken (6 shaku, approx. 1.818 m)
2. counter used to number the gaps between pillars
鹿, しか, かせぎ, か, ろく, シカ
deer (esp. the sika deer, Cervus nippon), cervid
然, 爾, しか
Interjection, Archaism
1. like that, as such
2. yeah, uh-huh
市価, しか
market price, current price
Woody Panelの市価が80$だということは知っています。
賜暇, しか
furlough, leave of absence
糸価, しか
price of silk thread
疵瑕, しか
blemish, flaw, defect
知客, しか
See 禅堂, Buddhist term
head monk in charge of the administrative section of a zendo (Zen)
詩化, しか
Takes suru
Particle, with neg. verb or adjective
nothing but, except, no more than
私家, しか
private house, one's own house
詩歌, 詩哥, しいか, しか
Japanese and Chinese poetry, poems
紙花, 紙纏頭, かみばな, しか
Only 紙花
1. paper flower
2. decorative paper flower for a funeral
Only かみばな, See 小菊・3, Archaism
3. piece of paper given as a tip in a red-light district (that can later be exchanged for money)
雌花, めばな, しか
See 雄花, Botany term
female flower, pistillate flower