靴, 沓, 履, 鞋, くつ
shoe, shoes, boots, footwear, footgear
靴下, 沓下, くつした
socks, sock, stockings, stocking
靴屋, くつや
shoe store, shoe shop, shoemaker
長靴, 長ぐつ, ながぐつ, ちょうか
leather boots, rubber boots, wellingtons, wellies, long boots, high boots
革靴, 皮靴, 革沓, かわぐつ
leather shoes, leather boots
雨靴, あまぐつ
waterproof shoes, rubber boots, Wellington boots, gumboots, overshoes, galoshes, rubbers
靴型, くつがた
shoe last, shoe stretcher
くつぞこ, 靴底, 沓底
1. sole (of a shoe)
See シタビラメ・1, Usually in kana
2. sole (fish)
半靴, はんぐつ, ほうか, はんか
Only はんぐつ
1. low shoes
2. informal riding shoes without an ankle strap
木靴, きぐつ
wooden shoes, clogs
泥靴, どろぐつ
muddy shoes or boots
深靴, 深履, 深沓, ふかぐつ
deep boots
あかぐつ, 赤靴, 赤苦津, アカグツ
Usually in kana
starry handfish (Halieutaea stellata)
雪靴, 雪沓, 雪ぐつ, ゆきぐつ
esp. 雪靴
1. snow boots
esp. 雪沓
2. yuki-gutsu, traditional Japanese snow boots made of straw
靴箱, くつ箱, 靴ばこ, くつばこ
shoe box, shoe shelf
靴跡, くつあと
shoe mark, shoe print
白靴, しろぐつ
white shoes (for use during the summer)
靴帯, かたい
ankle strap (for fastening a shoe)
運動靴, うんどうぐつ
sports shoes, sneakers
靴一足, くつ一足, くついっそく
pair of shoes
靴ひも, 靴紐, くつひも
shoelace, bootlace
半長靴, はんながぐつ
fairly high shoes, boots
わら靴, 藁沓, 藁靴, 藁履, 藁ぐつ, わら沓, わらぐつ
straw boots
編上靴, 編み上げ靴, 編上げ靴, 編み上靴, あみあげぐつ
lace-up boots
製靴業, せいかぎょう
the shoemaking industry