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雨の, ふううのか
disaster caused by wind and rain
雨の, じうのか
benevolent rule of a gracious sovereign
雨の多い, あめのおおい
Expression, Noun or verb acting prenominally
rainy, showery, inclement
雨の降る, あめのふる
Expression, Noun or verb acting prenominally
雨のやみ間, あめのやみま
Expression, Colloquialism
break in the rain, letup in the rain
雨の走り, 梅雨のはしり, つゆのはしり
rainy spells just before the rainy season
雨の降る日は天気が悪い, あめのふるひはてんきがわるい
Expression, Idiomatic expression
water is wet, on days when it rains, the weather is bad