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雨が降る, あめがふる
Expression, Godan verb
to rain
雨が, 雨勝ち, あめがち
May take 'no', NA-adjective
雨が多い, あめがおおい
rainy, showery, inclement
雨が上がる, 雨があがる, あめがあがる
Expression, Godan verb, See 上がる・あがる・11
to stop raining
子供騒げば雨が降る, こどもさわげばあめがふる
Expression, Godan verb, Proverb, traditional belief
if the kids make a racket outside, there will be rain
猫耳を洗うと雨が降る, ねこ耳を洗うと雨が降る, ねこみみをあらうとあめがふる
Expression, Godan verb, Rare, Proverb, traditional belief
if a cat washes its ears, rain is coming
猫が顔を洗うと雨が降る, ねこがかおをあらうとあめがふる
Expression, Godan verb, Proverb, traditional belief
if a cat washes its face, rain is coming
雨が降ろうが槍が降ろうが, あめがふろうがやりがふろうが
Expression, See 雨が降ろうと槍が降ろうと, Idiomatic expression
come hell or high water, no matter what happens, even if rain or spears should fall
雨が降ろうと槍が降ろうと, あめがふろうとやりがふろうと
Expression, See 雨が降ろうが槍が降ろうが, Idiomatic expression
come hell or high water, no matter what happens, even if rain or spears should fall
あまがえる, 雨蛙, 雨がえる, アマガエル
Usually in kana
tree frog (esp. the Japanese tree frog, Hyla japonica)
雨合羽, 雨ガッパ, 雨がっぱ, あまガッパ
raincoat, oilcoat
雨傘, 雨が, あまがさ