金, かね, かな
See お金
1. money
2. metal
黄金, 金, こがね, きがね, くがね
1. gold
2. gold coin
3. gold colour (color)
金, きん
1. gold (metal)
See 金色
2. gold (color)
3. gold (medal), first place (prize)
May take 'no'
4. something of great value, something golden (e.g. silence)
5. money, gold coin
をもって, を以て, を以って
Expression, See もって・1, Usually in kana
1. with, by, by means of
See もって・2
2. because of, on account of, for, due to
See もって・3
3. on (a day, date), at (a time), as of (e.g. today)
ます, 鱒, マス
Usually in kana
trout, sea trout
増す, 益す, ます
Godan verb, Intransitive, Transitive
to increase, to grow
升, 枡, 桝, 斗, ます, マス
1. measuring container, measuring box, measure
2. box (seating at a theatre, etc.)
esp. マス
3. square on a grid, cell of a grid
Only 斗
4. square bearing block (at the top of a pillar)
〼, ます
Auxiliary verb, Polite, attaches to the -masu stem of a verb
1. expresses politeness towards the listener (or reader)
Archaism, Humble
2. expresses respect towards those affected by the action
在す, 坐す, います, ます
Yodan verb, Intransitive, Honorific or respectful, Archaism
1. to be
2. to go, to come
Particle, at sentence end
1. indicates a question
after each alternative
2. or, whether or not
See 何か・1, after an interrogative
3. some- (e.g. something, someone)
indicates doubt, uncertainty, etc.; sometimes after other particles
4. hmm, huh
Prefix, See か弱い, emphatic prefix; usu. before an adjective
5. very
か, 箇, 個, 个, カ
Counter, Usually in kana, precedes the thing being counted; e.g. 3か月, 5か所; also written as ヶ or ケ
counter used with Sino-Japanese words