金を遣う, 金を使う, かねをつかう
Expression, Godan verb
to spend money
金を恵む, かねをめぐむ
Expression, Godan verb
to give money
金を回す, かねをまわす
Expression, Godan verb
to spread money around (e.g. to give, to loan, to invest, etc.)
金を賭ける, かねをかける
Expression, Ichidan verb
to bet money
金を貯める, かねをためる
Expression, Ichidan verb
to save money
金を調える, かねをととのえる
Expression, Ichidan verb
to raise money
資金を出す, しきんをだす
Expression, Godan verb
to provide with funds, to fund, to advance some capital, to furnish with funds
金を寝かす, かねをねかす
Expression, Godan verb
to let money lie idle
金を費やす, かねをついやす
Expression, Godan verb
to expend money, to spend money
金を落とす, かねをおとす
Expression, Godan verb
1. to lose money
2. to spend money
引き金を引く, ひきがねをひく
Expression, Godan verb
to pull the trigger, to squeeze the trigger
寄付金を募る, 寄附金を募る, きふきんをつのる
Expression, Godan verb
to make an appeal for contributions, to collect donations
賞金をかける, 賞金を懸ける, しょうきんをかける
Expression, Ichidan verb
to offer a (monetary) prize
税金を掛ける, 税金をかける, ぜいきんをかける
Expression, Ichidan verb
to place a tax on
貯金を下ろす, ちょきんをおろす
Expression, Godan verb
to withdraw one's savings
貯金を殖やす, ちょきんをふやす
Expression, Godan verb
to increase one's savings
金を無心する, かねをむしんする
to ask for money, to put the touch on someone
金が金を生む, かねがこをうむ
Expression, Godan verb, Proverb
money begets money
お金を下ろす, お金をおろす, おかねをおろす
Expression, Godan verb
to withdraw money, to take money out
借金を踏み倒す, しゃっきんをふみたおす
Expression, Godan verb
to default on one's debt
一攫千金を夢見る, いっかくせんきんをゆめみる
Expression, Ichidan verb
to dream of making a fortune at one stroke, to dream of getting rich quickly
金を貸せば友を失う, かねをかせばともをうしなう
Expression, Godan verb, Proverb
lend your money and lose your friend
一攫千金を夢見る男, いっかくせんきんをゆめみるおとこ
work of art, literature, music
Soldier of Fortune (1955 movie)