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すぎる, 過ぎる
Conjugated: 過ぎて
Ichidan verb, Intransitive
1. to pass through, to pass by, to go beyond
2. to pass (of time), to elapse
3. to have expired, to have ended, to be over
4. to exceed, to surpass, to be above
as 〜に過ぎない, etc.
5. to be no more than ...
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廃家, はいか, はいけ
1. deserted house, ruined house
Takes suru
2. abolishing one's own family line in order to join another (under pre-1947 Japanese law), extinct family
ない, 無い
Usually in kana
1. nonexistent, not being (there)
2. unowned, not had, unpossessed
See またとない
3. unique, impossible, won't happen
Auxiliary adjective, after the -te form of a verb
4. to not be, to have not
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ある, 有る, 在る
Conjugated: ない
Godan verb, Intransitive, See 居る・いる・1, Usually in kana, usu. of inanimate objects
1. to be, to exist, to live
2. to have
3. to be located
4. to be equipped with
5. to happen, to come about
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ない, 地震
Poetical term, Usually in kana
亡い, ない
See 無い・1
, ない
Suffix, Antonym: 外
within ..., inside ...
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Auxiliary adjective, Suffix, verb-negating suffix; may indicate question or invitation with rising intonation
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Suffix, See 忙しない, after the root of an adjective
emphatic suffix