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通用, つうよう
Takes suru, Intransitive
1. (common) use (of a language, currency, etc.), current use, circulation, currency, validity (e.g. of a ticket)
2. to be accepted (e.g. of a way of thinking), to work (of an excuse, trick, etc.), to hold true (e.g. of a theory), to apply, to be valid, to pass (for), to do well, to get by
See 通用口
3. going in and out, entrance and exit
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する, 為る
Usually in kana
1. to do, to carry out, to perform
2. to cause to become, to make (into), to turn (into)
3. to serve as, to act as, to work as
4. to wear (clothes, a facial expression, etc.)
as 〜にする,〜とする
5. to judge as being, to view as being, to think of as, to treat as, to use as
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刷る, 摺る, する
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to print
2. to color or pattern fabric using a wooden mold
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する, 掏る, スる
Godan verb, Transitive, Usually in kana
to pickpocket, to steal
擦る, 摩る, 磨る, 擂る, する
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to rub, to chafe, to strike (match), to file, to frost (glass)
2. to lose (e.g. a match), to forfeit, to squander one's money (e.g. through gambling, Pachinko, etc.)
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剃る, そる, する
Godan verb, Transitive
to shave
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don't you think?, indicates question
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