起こす, 起す, おこす
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to raise, to raise up, to set up, to pick up
2. to wake, to wake up, to waken, to awaken
See 熾す・おこす
3. to cause, to bring about, to lead to, to trigger, to give rise to, to create, to generate (e.g. heat, electricity), to produce
See 興す・おこす・2
4. to start, to begin, to launch, to establish, to found, to open
5. to plough, to plow, to till
引き起こす, ひきおこす
Godan verb, Transitive, occ. written as 惹き起こす
1. to cause, to induce, to bring about, to provoke
2. to pull upright, to help up (e.g. a fallen person)
巻き起こす, 捲き起こす, まきおこす
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to create (a sensation), to cause (a commotion), to give rise to (controversy)
2. to raise (a cloud of dust), to kick up (dust)
思い起こす, 思い起す, 思起す, おもいおこす
Godan verb, Transitive
to recall, to remember
呼び起こす, 呼び起す, 呼起こす, 呼起す, 喚び起こす, 喚び起す, よびおこす
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to wake (someone) up (by calling for them), to awaken
2. to call (to mind), to bring back (memories), to evoke, to arouse (e.g. interest)
掘り起こす, 掘り起す, 掘起す, ほりおこす
Godan verb, Transitive
to dig up, to unearth, to uncover
助け起こす, たすけおこす
Godan verb, Transitive
to help (someone) to their feet, to help (someone) up
切り起こす, きりおこす
Godan verb
to open up waste land for cultivation
叩き起こす, たたき起こす, たたきおこす
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to wake (someone) up (roughly), to rouse out of bed
2. to awaken (someone) by knocking at the door
鋤き起こす, 鋤き起す, 鋤起こす, 鋤起す, すきおこす
Godan verb, Transitive
to turn over soil, to dig or plow up (plough)
振り起こす, 振り起す, 振起こす, 振起す, ふりおこす
Godan verb, Transitive
to stir up, to stimulate
かき起こす, 掻き起こす, 掻起す, かき起す, 掻き起す, 搔き起こす, 搔き起す, かきおこす
Godan verb, Transitive
to stir up (e.g. a fire)
事を起こす, ことを起こす, ことをおこす
Expression, Godan verb
to cause trouble, to cause a disturbance
畑を起こす, はたけをおこす
Expression, Godan verb
to plow a field, to plough a field
乱を起こす, らんをおこす
Expression, Godan verb
to rise in rebellion
身を起こす, みをおこす
Expression, Godan verb
1. to get up (e.g. from bed)
2. to make one's way in the world, to achieve in life
描き起こす, 描き起す, かきおこす
Godan verb, Transitive
to begin drawing, to begin painting
体を起こす, からだをおこす
Expression, Godan verb
to rise, to raise up, to straighten up, to sit up, to stand up
竈を起こす, かまどをおこす
Expression, Godan verb, Idiomatic expression, Rare
1. to make a fortune, to build family wealth
2. to become the head of a family
筆を起こす, ふでをおこす
Expression, Godan verb, Idiomatic expression
to start writing (e.g. a book)
揺すり起こす, ゆすりおこす
Godan verb
to shake someone awake
会社を起こす, かいしゃをおこす
Expression, Godan verb
to set up a company
癇癪を起こす, かんしゃくを起こす, かんしゃくをおこす
Expression, Godan verb
to lose one's temper, to throw a tantrum, to fly into a rage
やけを起こす, 自棄を起こす, 焼けを起こす, やけをおこす
Expression, Godan verb
to become desperate, to give way to despair
上体を起こす, 上体をおこす, じょうたいをおこす
Expression, Godan verb
to straighten up, to sit upright
お竈を起こす, お竈を興す, おかまをおこす
Expression, Godan verb, Idiomatic expression, Obsolete term
to make a fortune
裁判を起こす, さいばんをおこす
Expression, Godan verb
to file a lawsuit, to go to court, to go to trial
痙攣を起こす, けいれんをおこす
Expression, Godan verb, Medicine term
to have convulsions
奮い起こす, ふるい起こす, ふるいおこす
Godan verb, Transitive
to muster (e.g. courage), to gather, to collect, to pluck up
揺り起こす, ゆりおこす
Godan verb
to shake someone awake
説き起こす, 説き起す, 説起こす, 説起す, ときおこす
Godan verb, Intransitive
to begin an explanation (argument, story, etc.)
寝た子を起こす, ねたこをおこす
Expression, Godan verb, Idiomatic expression
to disturb the water, to wake a sleeping dog, to wake a sleeping child
上半身を起こす, じょうはんしんをおこす
Expression, Godan verb
to sit up