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走り, はしり
1. running
2. gliding
3. first (harvest) of the season
4. beginning, start
5. kitchen sink
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走り回る, 走りまわる, はしりまわる
Godan verb, Intransitive
to run around
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走り出す, 走りだす, はしりだす
Godan verb
to begin to run, to start running, to break into a run
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走り去る, はしりさる
Godan verb
to run away, to run off
走り幅跳び, 走幅跳, はしりはばとび
running long jump
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走り高跳び, 走高跳, はしりたかとび
running high jump
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走り抜ける, 走りぬける, はしりぬける
Ichidan verb, Intransitive
to run through, to run past
走り, ひと走り, ひとはしり
Takes suru, Intransitive, See ひとっ走り
(short) run, drive, ride, spin
使い走り, つかいばしり, つかいはしり
Takes suru
1. running errands (for someone else)
2. errand boy, gofer, dogsbody
走り, はしりや
street racer
走り, とばしり
1. runner (of a sliding door)
See 水蝋蝋
2. tree wax, insect wax, Chinese wax
走り書き, 走書き, 走り, はしりがき
Takes suru, Transitive
scribbling, scrawl, hasty writing
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走り抜く, はしりぬく
Godan verb
to outrun, to run through to the end
走り込む, 走りこむ, はしりこむ
Godan verb, Intransitive
1. to run into (room, building, etc.)
2. to go for long training runs
遠っ走り, とおっぱしり
Takes suru
going a long way
走り出る, はしりでる
Ichidan verb
to run out (e.g. of the room)
走り, さきばしりえき
pre-cum, pre-ejaculate, Cowper's fluid
走り, さきばしりじる
pre-cum, pre-ejaculate, Cowper's fluid
走り込み, はしりこみ
doing long training runs
走り梅雨, はしりづゆ
See 梅雨・1
unstable weather preceding the rainy season (normally occurring in May)
走り, こばしり
Takes suru
1. trot, half run, jog
2. girl in charge of menial tasks in a samurai family
ひとっ走り, 一っ走り, ひとっぱしり
Takes suru, See 一走り
(short) run, drive, ride, spin
走り続ける, はしりつづける
Ichidan verb
to keep running
走り掛ける, 走りかける, はしりかける
Ichidan verb
to start running
使いっ走り, 使いっぱしり, つかいっぱしり
gofer, dogsbody, person who is made to do things or get things for someone else
走りすぎる, 走り過ぎる, はしりすぎる
Ichidan verb, Transitive
1. to run past, to run by
2. to go too far ahead
名古屋走り, なごやばしり
Nagoya driving, bad driving for which Nagoya residents are known
梅雨の走り, 梅雨のはしり, つゆのはしり
rainy spells just before the rainy season
ナルト走り, ナルトばしり
Naruto run, running with one's arms outstretched behind, as in the anime Naruto
ナンバ走り, 難波走り, ナンバはしり, なんばはしり
See ナンバ歩き
nanba running, running with the arm and leg on each side of the body moving in sync
走り, いぬばしり
scarcement, berm, ledge
走り寄る, はしりよる
Godan verb
to run up to
ひた走り, 直走り, ひたはしり, ひたばしり
running swiftly, running at full speed