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買う, かう
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to buy, to purchase
2. to value (highly), to think highly of, to have a high opinion of, to appreciate, to recognize
3. to incur (someone's anger, displeasure, etc.), to elicit (e.g. sneers), to invite (e.g. scorn), to evoke, to arouse, to win (someone's favour)
4. to accept, to take on, to take up
5. to pay for (a prostitute, geisha, etc.)
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一役買う, 一役かう, ひとやくかう
Expression, Godan verb
to take on a role, to take part
株を買う, かぶをかう
Expression, Godan verb
to buy stock
歓心を買う, かんしんをかう
Expression, Godan verb
to win favour, to win favor
顰蹙を買う, ひんしゅくを買う, ひんしゅくをかう
Expression, Godan verb, Idiomatic expression
to be frowned on, to invite frowns of disapproval, to displease (people), to disgust
込みで買う, こみでかう
Expression, Godan verb
to buy the whole lot, to buy in bulk
付けで買う, つけでかう
Expression, Godan verb
to buy on credit
恨みを買う, 怨みを買う, うらみをかう
Expression, Godan verb, Idiomatic expression
to incur someone's enmity
不興を買う, ふきょうをかう
Expression, Godan verb
to fall into disgrace with, to incur someone's displeasure
怒りを買う, いかりをかう
Expression, Godan verb
to rouse anger, to provoke wrath, to offend
失笑を買う, しっしょうをかう
Expression, Godan verb
to be laughed at, to get oneself laughed at (e.g. by doing something stupid)
喧嘩を買う, けんかを買う, けんかをかう
Expression, Godan verb
to get into a fight, to take up the gauntlet, to accept a challenge
反感を買う, はんかんをかう
Expression, Godan verb, Idiomatic expression
to antagonize, to provoke antipathy
飲む打つ買う, のむうつかう
drinking, gambling, and buying women in prostitution
若い時の苦労は買うてもせよ, 若いときの苦労は買うてもせよ, わかいときのくろうはこうてもせよ
Expression, Proverb
spare no effort while you are young, heavy work in youth is quiet rest in old age