買い, かい
1. buying, shopping
2. buyer
3. purchase
買う, かう
Conjugated: 買い
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to buy, to purchase
2. to value (highly), to think highly of, to have a high opinion of, to appreciate, to recognize
3. to incur (someone's anger, displeasure, etc.), to elicit (e.g. sneers), to invite (e.g. scorn), to evoke, to arouse, to win (someone's favour)
4. to accept, to take on, to take up
5. to pay for (a prostitute, geisha, etc.)
買い物, 買物, かいもの, かいもん
Takes suru, Intransitive
shopping, purchased goods
買い取る, かいとる
Godan verb, Transitive
to buy, to purchase
買い占め, 買占め, かいしめ
buying up of goods, cornering (market)
買い手, 買手, かいて
買い付け, 買付け, 買付, かいつけ
1. buying (in large quantities), (wholesale) purchase, buying in
May take 'no'
2. (one's) usual (store, supplier, etc.), regular, favourite (brand, shop, etc.)
ドル買い, ドルかい
dollar purchase
買い替え, 買い換え, かいかえ
buying a replacement, replacement purchase
買い戻す, 買戻す, かいもどす
Godan verb, Transitive
to buy back, to redeem
買い占める, 買占める, かいしめる
Ichidan verb, Transitive
to buy up
買い上げ, 買上げ, かいあげ
See お買い上げ
buying, purchasing, procurement
買い戻し, 買戻し, かいもどし
repurchase, redemption
買い入れ, 買入れ, 買入, かいいれ
buying, purchasing, laying in
買い付ける, かいつける
Ichidan verb, Transitive
1. to buy a large amount (of), to purchase (in large quantities), to buy in, to lay in (stock)
2. to buy regularly, to make regular purchases, to be a regular customer
買い込む, 買いこむ, 買込む, かいこむ
Godan verb, Transitive
to buy in quantity, to buy a lot (of), to stock up (on), to lay in
買い上げる, 買上げる, かいあげる
Ichidan verb, Transitive
1. to buy (of a government, public agency, etc. from a private citizen), to purchase
2. to buy up (all of something)
買い得, 買得, かいどく
May take 'no'
bargain, good buy
青田買い, あおたがい
1. speculatively buying a rice harvest, while the fields are still green
2. recruiting of university students before the agreed date
買い控え, かいびかえ
restrained buying
買い求める, 買求める, かいもとめる
Ichidan verb, Transitive
to buy
買い出し, 買出し, かいだし
1. going out to shop, going shopping
2. buying in quantity, buying wholesale, bulk purchasing
買い注文, かいちゅうもん
buy order (e.g. shares)
売り買い, うりかい
Takes suru, Transitive
trade, buying and selling
買い越し, 買越し, かいこし
See 売り越し, Finance term
net buying, buying more than selling, overbought position, long position
買い入れる, 買入れる, かいいれる
Ichidan verb, Transitive
to purchase, to buy in
買い支え, かいささえ
buying support
又買い, またがい
Takes suru
buying through an agent
盲買い, めくらがい
buying blindly
空買い, からがい
buying on margin
小買い, こがい
Takes suru
buying in small quantity
初買い, はつがい
See 初売り
going shopping on January 2
買い薬, 買薬, かいぐすり
See 売薬
over-the-counter drug, medication bought directly from the drugstore without a prescription