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語り, 語, かたり
1. talk, recital
2. narration
3. topic
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語る, かたる
Conjugated: 語り
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to talk about, to speak of, to tell, to narrate
2. to recite, to chant
3. to indicate, to show
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語り合う, 語りあう, かたりあう
Godan verb, Transitive
to talk together
語り, かたりくち
way of reciting, way of telling a story
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語り継ぐ, 語りつぐ, かたりつぐ
Godan verb, Transitive
to pass down (a story) from generation to generation, to hand down
語り, 語り, 語りぐさ, かたりぐさ
story, topic (on everyone's lips), (the stuff of) legend
語り, 語り, 語部, かたりべ
1. (professional) storyteller
2. hereditary role of narrator in early imperial court
語り, すがたり
reciting without samisen accompaniment
語り, ゆめがたり
1. account of a dream
2. fantastic story, wild tale, empty dream, pipe dream
語り, かたりく
1. story, tale
See 平曲
2. unaccompanied part of the Heike Monogatari chanting
語り, よがたり
evening chat
語り, わたしがたり
first-person narrative
語り, あとがたり
(spoken) epilogue, final words (following the main event)
弾き語り, 弾語り, ひきがたり
singing to one's own accompaniment, reciting while playing the shamisen, biwa, etc.
語り, かたりて
narrator, storyteller, reciter
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語り古す, かたりふるす
Godan verb
to say repeatedly (often by many people), to say over and over again
自分語り, じぶんがたり
going on about oneself, talking about oneself
語り, かたりもの
a narrative
語り明かす, 語りあかす, かたりあかす
Godan verb, Transitive
to talk the night away, to talk all night
語り伝える, かたりつたえる
Ichidan verb, Transitive
to hand down, to pass on (story or tradition)
怪奇物語り, かいきものがたり
mystery story
義太夫語り, ぎだゆうかたり
gidayū reciter
語りかける, 語り掛ける, かたりかける
Ichidan verb
to make a speech, to address
語り尽くす, 語りつくす, 語り尽す, かたりつくす
Godan verb, Transitive
to say everything one wants to say, to exhaust a topic
浄瑠璃語り, 浄瑠璃語, じょうるりかたり
See 浄瑠璃
jōruri reciter
語り, 昔語, むかしがたり
old story, reminiscence
語り, でがたり
See 浄瑠璃
onstage appearance of the jōruri musicians and chanters (in kabuki)
問わず語り, とわずがたり
unprompted remark, unsolicited statement
物語, 物語り, ものがたり
story, tale, narrative, account, fable, legend
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