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褒める, 誉める, 賞める, 称める, 讃める, ほめる
Conjugated: 誉められ...
Ichidan verb, Transitive
to praise, to commend, to compliment, to speak well of, to speak highly of
See more > common
れる, られ
Conjugated: られ
Auxiliary verb, Ichidan verb, See 迷惑の受身・めいわくのうけみ, ~れる connects to -nai stem of 五段 verbs and to サ変 as さ~れる; ~られる connects to -nai stem of 一段 and カ変 verbs and to サ変 as せ~られる
1. indicates passive voice (incl. the "suffering passive")
See 可能動詞・かのうどうし, no imperative form, not used on 五段 in modern speech
2. indicates the potential form
no imperative form
3. indicates spontaneous occurrence
Honorific or respectful
4. used as an honorific for others' actions