試しに, ためしに
as a test, as an experiment, by way of experiment, by way of trial, tentatively
履く, 穿く, 佩く, 着く, 帯く, はく
Conjugated: はいて
Godan verb, Transitive, usu. 履く or 穿く
1. to put on (lower-body clothing, e.g. pants, skirt, footwear), to wear
usu. 佩く or 帯く
2. to affix (a sword to one's hip)
3. to affix (a bowstring to a bow)
吐く, はく
Conjugated: はいて
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to vomit, to throw up, to spit up
2. to emit, to send forth, to breathe out
3. to give (an opinion), to make (a comment), to express, to tell
4. to confess
掃く, はく
Conjugated: はいて
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to sweep, to brush, to clean
2. to gather silkworms
刷く, はく
Conjugated: はいて
Godan verb, Transitive
to daub, to brush, to touch up