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言う, 云う, 謂う, いう, ゆう
Conjugated: 言われ...
Godan verb
1. to say, to utter, to declare
2. to name, to call
Only 言う
3. to go (e.g. "the alarm went ping"), to make a noise
See more > common
言われ, といわれる
Expression, Ichidan verb
to be called ..., to be referred to as ...
えもいわれぬ, えも言われ, 得も言われ
Noun or verb acting prenominally, Usually in kana
indescribable, exquisite, inexpressible, indefinable
えもいわれず, えも言われ, 得も言われ
Noun or verb acting prenominally, See えも言われぬ・えもいわれぬ, Usually in kana
indescribable, exquisite, inexpressible, indefinable
言うに言われ, いうにいわれぬ
Expression, Noun or verb acting prenominally
beyond expression, unspeakable, inexpressible, indescribable
言われてみれば, いわれてみれば
now that you say that, now that you mention it
言われるがまま, 言われるが儘, いわれるがまま
(doing) as one is told
急に言われても, きゅうにいわれても
Expression, with neg. sentence
(not possible) on such short notice
先生と言われるほどの馬鹿でなし, せんせいといわれるほどのばかでなし
Expression, See 先生・2
I don't fall for flattery, (I'm) not so stupid that being called "sensei" (makes me feel good)